September 25, 2014
Global warming and climate change continues to be a threat to our society. Now more than ever, we all have to do our share to protect the ozone layer and Mother Earth. Koppel Inc. understands its responsibility towards the environment as it strives to be in the forefront of developing energy efficient and environment-friendly air conditioning products. Its latest innovation, a 2-in-1 air conditioner with built-in water heater, uses the heat released from the air conditioner which is normally dispersed into the atmosphere as a by-product to supply business establishments with free hot water of up to 75o Celsius. The idea of recovering the heat given off by the air conditioning system and converting this into renewable energy is one of the focus of the Koppel’s green campaign. This product was featured during the Green Philippines exhibit last September 25-27, 2014 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay and in fact generated positive feedback from customers, owners of business establishments, mechanical engineers and the like.